Overcoming Alcoholism: A Personal Journey
Kris recently celebrated 8 months of being alcohol-free, but still felt unfulfilled and had cravings. Then Kris came across the book “This Naked Mind” and everything suddenly made sense. Read on to find out how Kris went from being sober but unhappy to being alcohol-free and happy.
Reflecting on Life
While journaling, Kris listened to a song that perfectly described their feelings about alcohol. Kris realized that they had “broken up” with alcohol, and spent a long time reflecting on their life. It was a difficult night, but an important one.
Breaking the Cycle
Kris started drinking at the age of 13, coming from a family of alcoholics where everyone drank. Alcohol seemed to make everything better, but now, at the age of 29, Kris realized that they wanted to break the cycle of alcoholism in their family and in society.
Impossible to be Alcohol-Free and Happy?
Kris believed that they needed alcohol to cope with their emotions, as they had never been taught how to process or deal with them. They had been taught to ignore their feelings by getting drunk. But now Kris wanted to say goodbye to alcohol, as it had been a crutch for too long. They didn’t want to end up like their father, grandparents, or neighbors.
Not Sober but Depressed
Kris struggled with cravings even after quitting alcohol, and felt unfulfilled. However, after reading “This Naked Mind” and reflecting on their life, everything started to make sense. They realized that alcohol had been trying to ruin their life even before they started drinking, but they decided to say goodbye to it.
Alcohol-Free and Happy
Kris is now grateful for their sobriety and what it has brought to their life. Although there were difficulties along the way, overall it has been the best eight months of their life. Kris is excited to see what the future holds.
Start Reading
If you are struggling with alcohol, you can start your journey to sobriety today. Download the first chapter of “This Naked Mind” to start your journey towards a happier, healthier life.