Home Career Advice Revitalizing an Outdated Company with a Fresh EVP: A Journey of Transformation

Revitalizing an Outdated Company with a Fresh EVP: A Journey of Transformation

Revitalizing an Outdated Company with a Fresh EVP: A Journey of Transformation


In the ever-evolving world of business, the concept of employer branding is still relatively new. Articulating an EVP (Employer Worth Proposition) is often a priority for management teams, but not every organization knows how to approach it effectively.

To shed light on the process, let’s dive into the story of Kayla Branham, Marketing Manager of Talent Acquisition at security giant ADT, as she successfully navigated the challenges of developing a new EVP for the century-old company.

Discovering the Essence of ADT: Trust

As Branham embarked on her journey to develop ADT’s EVP, she began by exploring the company’s current employer brand. Through extensive research, both internally and externally, she sought to answer questions like:

  • How are we perceived as an employer?
  • What do we offer to our candidates and employees?
  • What sets ADT apart from other companies?

By gathering insights from employees across the organization and examining public perception, Branham and her team gained a comprehensive understanding of what it’s like to work at ADT.

Throughout their findings, one word kept reappearing: Trust. As a crucial element of ADT’s ethos, Trust naturally became the cornerstone of the company’s EVP. With this in mind, they crafted their governing thought: “At ADT, you’re entrusted with tomorrow.”

Building the EVP Pillars

Having identified Trust as the foundation, Branham and her team established four pillars for ADT’s EVP:

  • Take ownership
  • Work with a great purpose
  • Shape the future
  • Win together

Each pillar represents a symbiotic relationship between employees and the company, reflecting what team members bring to the table and what they receive in return.

EVP Activation: Inspiring Employees and Beyond

Once the EVP was finalized, it was time to activate it. Branham and her team first introduced it to internal stakeholders and teams, sparking curiosity and excitement before its external launch.

They also developed various content pieces, including videos, LinkedIn banners, and social sharing contests, to engage employees and inspire them to share the new EVP with the world.

As they look to the future, Branham plans to partner closely with Talent Management to ensure the EVP becomes a lived experience for employees.

By integrating the EVP into the employee lifecycle and scaling it internally, they aim to organically grow external awareness and showcase ADT’s revitalized brand.

A New Chapter for an Old Company

In the end, Kayla Branham’s journey to develop and activate a fresh EVP for ADT not only redefined the company’s employer brand but also reinvigorated its workforce.

By centering the EVP around Trust and fostering genuine employee engagement, Branham has set the stage for a new chapter in ADT’s long history – one that continues to attract top talent and position the company as a leader in the security industry.



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