Home Fitness Rediscovering Togetherness: My First Group Ride in Ages

Rediscovering Togetherness: My First Group Ride in Ages

Rediscovering Togetherness: My First Group Ride in Ages


I’m a cycling enthusiast who’s been missing the thrill of group rides for weeks due to relentless rain. However, yesterday, the sun finally broke through the clouds, paving the way for a much-anticipated reunion with my Sunday cycling group.

In this post, I’ll share my exciting journey, detailing the challenges and camaraderie we experienced as we took on the hills and rediscovered the joy of riding together.
A Break in the Clouds: Reconnecting with My Sunday Group

It had been weeks since I’d last ridden with my usual Tuesday group or the Sunday group I occasionally joined. The rain had kept us all indoors, itching to get back on our bikes and feel the wind on our faces. As if answering our prayers, the sky cleared up yesterday, and I seized the opportunity to join the Sunday group for a challenging ride.

The Adventure Begins: Tackling the East and West Sides of Town

With spirits high, we embarked on a demanding two-and-a-half-hour ride, conquering both the East and West sides of our town. Our journey took us up the formidable Thomas Grade, through the scenic Holiday Lake neighborhood, and then onto the West side of town.

There, we faced the steep inclines of Willow Springs before looping back through the picturesque Paradise Valley on Oak Glen Avenue.

Keeping Up: An E-Assist Bike to the Rescue

I must admit, the cyclists in the Sunday group are faster than me, especially when it comes to climbing hills. To ensure I could keep up and truly enjoy the experience, I opted for my trusty e-assist bike.

This electric helper gave me the extra boost I needed to stay in pace with the group, allowing me to focus on the thrill of the ride and the beauty of our surroundings.

Rekindling Bonds: The Power of Group Rides

  • Group rides provide a sense of unity and shared passion.
  • It offers an opportunity to make new friends who share the same hobby.
  • It creates a positive and encouraging atmosphere among cyclists of different skill levels.
  • Participating in group rides can reignite or strengthen one’s love for cycling.


Cherishing the Moments and Looking Ahead

  • The day’s adventure was a great reminder of the joy that comes from tackling challenges with others.
  • Embracing the beauty of the great outdoors can be a powerful source of happiness and inspiration.
  • Group rides allow you to create memories and bond with others over shared experiences.
  • Conquering new routes can be a rewarding and exhilarating experience.
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