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Delinquent Character Dysfunction & Habit

Delinquent Character Dysfunction & Habit


 Understanding Delinquent Character Dysfunction and Substance Abuse

Delinquent Character Dysfunction and Addiction

Character problems can greatly impact an individual’s ability to connect with others and navigate through life. This can become even more severe when substance abuse is involved. For those with delinquent character dysfunction, becoming intoxicated can intensify their already destructive behaviors and thoughts, especially towards those closest to them. Banyan Treatment Centers is studying the connection between delinquent character dysfunction and substance abuse.

Delinquent Character Dysfunction vs. Psychopathy

Psychopathy is a more widely recognized term when discussing behavioral issues. Those who commit violent acts without reason are often referred to as psychopaths, but this illness is more complex than just one term. Psychopathy is considered a severe form of delinquent character disorder or antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).

Individuals with ASPD exhibit various delinquent behaviors such as extreme self-centeredness and a lack of empathy. Their selfish behavior is rooted in their inability to see others as individuals with emotions. This makes it difficult for them to form and maintain meaningful relationships. Other symptoms of ASPD include engaging in illegal activities, struggling with personal responsibilities, being dishonest, impulsive, and lacking remorse for their actions. These behaviors often develop before the age of 15.

Substance Abuse and Character Disorders

Studies show that over 22% of people with personality disorders also struggle with substance use disorders. In the case of ASPD, research found that 16% of patients suffered from delinquent personality disorder and substance abuse simultaneously. Alcohol is often the most abused substance in this demographic, which can exacerbate their aggressive or violent behaviors.

Those with ASPD may have a unique relationship with substances like stimulants or marijuana. They commonly abuse ecstasy and cocaine, making their impulsive behavior even more intense. They may also struggle to control their marijuana use, often starting at a younger age than others. Regardless of the substance, individuals with this dual diagnosis should seek help as soon as possible.

Find Recovery with Banyan Treatment Centers

Substance abuse can intensify an individual’s mental illness. If a person continues to use despite their diagnosis, it may be a sign of addiction. Treatment should begin at a detox center like Banyan Treatment Centers. We offer various substance-specific detox programs that can help patients prepare for the upcoming therapies.

In conclusion, delinquent character disorder and substance abuse are complex issues that require professional treatment. If you or a loved one struggles with these issues, seek help immediately at a reputable treatment center.



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